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Parent Code of Conduct


ZERO TOLERANCE: Any player, parent or coach who conducts themselves in a manner found to be detrimental to the welfare of this organization may be removed from participating in this organization temporarily or permanently.

You should be familiar with the Code of Conduct rules for players, parents or coaches. Failure to adhere to these rules will, at the discretion of the Board, result in the scheduling of a mandatory disciplinary hearing in front of the Board. Rulings made at this hearing, failure to appear at a hearing and/or a repeat offense may result in you and/or your child being removed from participating in this organization. 


Hockey is a team sport. For the “Team” to be successful, each and every player, parent and coach must put the needs of the team before personal feelings, opinions and desires. To play well during the season, our coaches, players and parents must act as a team.

As a parent, I agree to:

1.    Offer my player and other players positive support in all situations;

2.    Support the team’s coaches.

3.    Show respect for all players, coaches, officials, other parents, and spectators;

4.    Demonstrate and encourage good sportsmanship and the concept of fair play;

5.    Promote and support the Westfield Youth Hockey Player Code of Conduct Agreement

6.    Promote and support a drug and alcohol-free environment;

7.    Cheer, support and encourage my player and their teammates from the stands.

8.    Refrain from taunting players, coaches, officials, or other spectators

9.    Refrain from throwing any object in the spectator viewing area, player bench, penaIty box, or on the ice surface;

10.  Refrain from any physical aggression toward a player, coach, official, or spectator.

11.  Refrain from Foul and Offensive Language at all team games/practices/events.

12. Cell phones and other mobile devices with recording capabilities, including voice recording, still cameras and video cameras, ARE NOT REPEAT ARE NOT PERMITTED TO BE USED IN THE LOCKER ROOMS, violating this will result in immediate disciplinary action and it is also a violation of the USA Hockey Safesport Policy.


Parent Communication with Westfield Youth Hockey Coaches.

1.    I will encourage my player to speak directly with the Head coach if my player has a concern regarding any hockey related issue (including playing time), as soon as possible – after practice is the best time.

2.    The (playing time) discussion, however, should not be initiated on the bench or in the locker room or during a game.

3.    I can expect the coach to work with my player on any issues that need to be addressed in order to attain a higher rate of participation.

4.    I will not discuss hockey-related events with the Head Coach until the full expiration of 24 hours from the hockey event.

5.    I will not send out inappropriate emails copying the entire team (including parents and players) which are negative and divisive, nor will I post any negative/divisive comments about my player, their teammates or coaches, opposing teams or referees on any Social Media Site (including Facebook, Twitter, Email, etc.)

6.    The head coach is the sole point of contact for hockey related-matters, individual team policy may dictate the communication process.